Monday, August 25, 2008

Something(s) happened

It's been a while since I've updated this blog--almost two years, in fact. Since my last entry, I've

...gotten married

...had my first story published in the Texas Review

...graduated from the University of North Texas with a Master's in Library Science

...accepted the Instruction Librarian position at the UNT-Health Science Center in Fort Worth

...added another dog (Belle) to the menagerie

...blogged rarely, not even on MySpace

So I'm repurposing this blog to contain my musings about music, literature, sports, film, librarianship, etc. My goal is to make this the kind of blog whose RSS feed I would happily subscribe to. Maybe eventually I'll find a niche, maybe even some readers. Maybe I'll say some smart things.

Keep your ears listening.

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